Top 5 easy mood boosts

Top 5 easy mood boosts

Stop. Take a moment. Can you be doing more to help raise your daily spirits? Enjoy our top 5 easy and proven wellness-promoting activities…

/1. Wake up earlier / Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than normal. Embrace the early morning and give yourself 15 extra minutes before the mad rushing begins. Have a slow cup of tea, meditate, or just simply enjoy 15 minutes of your own company. /2. Have a bath / How often do you let yourself just soak in the bath? Take the time and slow down with your favourite album playing and maybe a candle burning? /3. Exercise / Increase your endorphins with a rising heart rate. Even if its simply picking up your walking pace on the school run, or getting off the bus two stops earlier: movement is clinically proven to boost our mental health. /4. Laugh / Did you know that laughter has a proven connection to boosting our immune system. Find your chuckles however works best for you. For us, Schitts Creek binges. /5. Talk more / Voice notes, phone calls or, best of all, face to face chatting – we process our internal conundrums through verbalising through. Meet your friend, or turn off the telly for the evening and get chatting.

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